Bienvenidos a Buenos Aires! Buenos Aires is the capitol of Argentina and, when including the surrounding urban areas, is home to over twelve million people! That accounts for over one quarter of all of the people which live in Argentina. I'm standing in front of their congress building in the photo above.
Buenos Aires is a real gem of a city enriched by a multitude of cultures. However, the dominant influences come from its past which experienced large-scale immigration from Europe, and primarily from Spain and Italy. This heritage is reflected the city's architecture, which collectively has come to be known as Rioplatense baroque style.
The Metropolitan Cathedral edifice includes a frieze depicting scenes from the Old Testament. In the center is a portrayal of the dramatic scene where Jacob literally wrestles with God; thus spawning the name Israel.

This wide thoroughfare is incredible. Right through the heart of the city there are four traffic lanes going one way and four lanes going the opposite direction, separated by a wide, grassy median. Then, on both sides of the eight lanes there are two lane, two directional streets. Driving here is not for the timid!

Check out this puzzle store; for all your puzzle needs... just in case the traffic wasn't puzzling enough for you!

All around the city are wonderful pieces of architecture, parks, and public areas.

Here's a look down a busy street. If you look all the way down to the end, you can see the Obelisk, a structure which looks quite a lot like the Washington Monument in Washington D.C.

This beautiful park was full of mature trees and adorned with statuary. The trees provided a pleasant canopy of shade throughout most of the park.

This bustling street is Florida. With only foot traffic permitted, it is like a long, outdoor mall full of boutiques and cafes, and a McDonalds.

Here is photo of a side-street which crossed Florida.

Not your average shopping mall! Check out this beautiful ceiling mural.

It was really a delightful walk around the city, with random scenic views and parks welcoming you.

Quite the impressive and triumphant statue, no?

I got a kick out of the name of this place. Literally translated, it is "Museum of the Ham". I didn't get a chance to sample their ancient pork products, but I still got a chuckle. :-)

As you could guess when you've got over twelve million people, you need a rapid transit system. Also, as you could guess when you've got over twelve million people, you may just have to wait in line for a bus. This is the line which formed right around the close of the business day. You can't even see the end of the line in the photo!

This impressive building hosts the Spaniards Club. You can see the influences of Moorish architecture in its attractive design.

This building has a few different names, but is most often called Casa Rosada; the Pink House. It's the Argentinian equivalent to the White House in the U.S. The president of Argentina often lives and works there. Not surprisingly, the public square right in front of the building, known as Plaza de Mayo, often hosts protesters as well as political rallies. From the balcony of this building, Eva PerĂ³n rallied the poor working class into a solidified political force.

You just don't find details like this in many modern buildings.

Just north of the city is the ParanĂ¡ Delta. Like any major river delta, its got many streams and channels allowing the brackish water to work its way into the ocean. It also has many islands, and on many of these islands people have built houses. The cool thing is that there are no roads there. The only way to get to these houses is by boat. Many of the residents rely on water taxis to take them into town. Below you can see one of the oldest surviving homes in the delta, which the government has acted to preserve by encasing it in glass in place!

Hi there! Just taking in more of the impressive architecture around town. But unfortunately, it's time for me to go. I'll see you next time.