Howdy! Welcome to Galveston, Texas! Galveston is on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, southeast of Houston. Galveston is most famous for being the location of the United States' most deadly natural disaster; the Storm of 1900. The storm was actually a full fledged hurricane, with winds estimated at 125 miles per hour and a storm surge 15 feet high. Somewhere between 6000 and 8000 people died due to the storm. When the city was rebuild in 1902, they installed a 17 foot high sea wall that was built to help protect against future storm surges, and that's what I'm standing on in the photo above. My visit was prior to Hurricane Ike, which gave the area a thorough thrashing. And unfortunately, like Germany did against France's Maginot Line in World War II, the storm surge of Hurricane Ike went around the sea wall and caused great damage to the city.

Galveston had lots of beautiful Victorian architecture, such as this Bishop's Palace.

This magnificent cathedral was right next to the Bishop's Palace. Go figure! :-)

The downtown region had some distinct buildings as well.

Restored Victorian-style homes were everywhere, making neighborhood walks quite charming.

Some of these houses you'd expect to see life-size dolls walk out of!

Even non-Victorian homes often had neat styles as well, like this one with the round sun room.

This house would fit in just as easily in New Orleans.

The paint colors often highlighted features and added character to these homes.

There were plenty of large homes too.

Monumental mansions adorned some plots.

Galveston had an active port scene. Cruise ships often dock there. I found this nice sculpture of a carefree boy playing innocently with the seagulls. Juxtaposed in the background, there is an offshore oil drilling platform. There is an eloquence to this. Some may say that it's a sign that the cares of adulthood resign the carefree days of childhood to a remnant of memory. Instead, I say that it is a reminder that despite the cares of adulthood, the greatest joys of life are simple and free, and are always at your fingertips if you will open yourself to them. :-)
Until my next adventure, this is Flat Stanley, signing out!