I payed a brief visit to Tacoma, Washington, stopping by the Museum of Glass, Union Station, and the Tacoma Art Museum. Inside the Museum of Glass, you can not only see great works of glass art, but you can also watch them make the art in a large studio.
One of the highlights of the trip was the Chuhily Bridge of Glass, conceptually designed by Dale Chuhily, who also was the overseer in the creation of the hundreds of glass pieces that adorn the Bridge of Glass. Dale Chuhily is quite famous in the world of artistic glass, and is a highly celebrated resident of Washington.
The picture above is me in front of a wall section of the Bridge of Glass.
These pillars on the Bridge of Glass look like rock candy to me!

This view shows part of the highly decorated roof with the pillars in the distance.

I just walked around staring at the roof in wonder...

You could look for a long time and still see new pieces as you moved about.

This was totally awesome!

This me inside of Union Station, which was also full of Chihuly glass work.

The big dog greets you as you enter the Tacoma Art Museum. It's the only place in the museum that you can take photos. There were some really neat quilts in one of the large exhibit rooms.
